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Old 2007-01-13, 10:50 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California

It doesn't have to do with firefox. Go into the Options of Azureus. Go to Files and at the top it says "Default directory" and then under there a checkbox for "Automatically download to default directory (No Prompt)" I would guess you have that box checked. So, the easiest thing to do would be to stop your torrent, move the folder that you made the torrent out of INTO the directory listed as the "Default directory" (you will probably have to remove the one that is there that Azureus created when it thought you were a leech) and then start the torrent again and do a right-click "Force Re-check" on it. It will then go through and verify that the files are all complete and then go into seed mode.
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