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Old 2006-08-30, 10:16 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: i'm now having trouble with my upload/download speeds

Do a google search for a bandwidth tester. Very often you ISP has their own. It will tell you what your max download and upload is. That is not a max *together*, but a max if you aren't using the other. So, if you are uploading and downloading at the same time, you fall somewhere inbetween.

I noticed before that you were on old torrents with only 1 seed and 2 leechers, you won't get max speed on a show like that. You need to get onto a new show to maximize your speed. And, you need to set your max upload speed to about 90% (when you aren't on the internet) if you want to maximize your download.

You need to play with this stuff to really find out how your client, your ISP, and your needs are work together in the best way.
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