Thread: 2 questions...
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Old 2006-01-25, 05:20 PM
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Re: 2 questions...

Originally Posted by nkramar78
First question:

I normally use EAC for all of my audio ripping needs. I recently received a CD copied from another using Nero... Should I recomend my source use EAC and send me a new copy before I share the tracks?
You should contact your source and see if they still have the original SHN or FLAC files. If they don't then have them rip the CD using xACT and have them generate an extraction log. I learned this nifty little trick the other night and I'm quite impressed by it.

Originally Posted by nkramar78
Second question:

Regarding officially released materials - Are demo tracks as ripped from promotional CDs/cassettes considered officially released materials?

Thanks in advance for any help...
I do not think that demo tracks count as officially released material as they were never commercially available (i.e. they could not be bought). I know I have a few demos in my collection. If I'm wrong here, please someone, correct me.
Originally Posted by ohkeepa
I label my DVDs with numbers and use my DB etree list to keep track of what is on which DVD. Probably not the best idea, if that site ever crashes I wont know whats on what
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