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Old 2007-06-13, 01:35 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Location: California
Re: Firewalled ?!!?!??!

OK, I found this page: and this page: that deal with your specific configuration. At the end of the page dealing with the static IP, it says "If you find that you can not pull up webpages, the problem is most likely the dns numbers you entered. Give your ISP a call, and they will be able to tell you which dns servers to use. This is a question they answer all of the time. They will be able to tell you what you should use right away. " So, did you by any chance call the ISP to make sure your DNS entries were correct?

(It appears to me from reading the router page, that you don't need to do anything about DHCP in the router, which is interesting, but I would be curious what it says in the DHCP Client List.)
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