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Old 2007-03-03, 12:23 PM
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cr8ed cr8ed is offline
Join Date: May 2005
An Ethical Question...

hey all -
what is the proper procedure when you grab a torrent from one site -
and upload it to another?

I am asking because I am guilty on both ends -
I have had it happen to me -
and I have done it to others -
where you spend all this time creating and authoring a DVD -
and then see it appear on another site -
with or without credit -
whatever it doesn't matter -
you are both honored and violated at the same time -

is it good karma? -
is it unkind and morally wrong? -
or -
is it merely "sharing the groove" -
was wondering how others felt -
both creators and ones who have done it ...

"...Lady killers load dice on me behind my back
while imitators rob me blind
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