Thread: Wavpack
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Old 2005-05-08, 08:45 PM
jazzbo jazzbo is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Wavpack

Originally Posted by uhclem
I had a look at the source code for the shntool wavpack module. From what I can tell, the only think in there preventing shntool from using the new wavpack is that there is a line of code that tells shntool to exit if wavpack has a version number greater than 3.

Unfortunately I am not good enough with C++ to be sure that this is the only thing stopping shntool, or to change this and make a new compile. Perhaps some intrepid soul here could have a look at the source code and help us out.
When I took a look at the code -- it's all just C, btw -- yes, the version number was the major issue. But to be honest I didn't spend enough time figuring out an elegant solution. Here are the lines (168-170 in src/format_wv.c) uhclem was referring to:

if (tagcmp(wph.ckID,WAVPACK_MAGIC) || wph.version < 1 || wph.version > 4 || (wph.flags & RAW_FLAG)) {
return NOT_WV_FILE;

One of the problems is that the code isn't returning a wavpack version of 4 either -- it is in the thousands if I remember right. So my concern is that something else in the header format has changed as well, or the shntool code isn't interpreting the header correctly. I didn't see anything obvious on the wavpack site to document any changes. But changing the second check to like 10000 is enough to make it work.
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