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Old 2006-06-16, 05:32 AM
joemc joemc is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Smile Re: Does poor ratio equate bad trader?

hi, i have read all the thread......phew!

i agree that we should all get to/try to get to 1:1, sometimes you can't on individual torrents and it takes time to reach as for myself i only have certain interests, thats not an excuse and i know my ratio is only 0.61 before anyone has a go. I am not and never have been a thief of any description and i do try to give back what i get. one thing that has not been mentioned is that for my mind TTD is a community, a community is made up of many parts so if you have a low ratio but start vines isn't that helping the community? Although skode has a ratio of 0.34 i would suggest that if you added his vines to the stats he would be on more then 1:1, after all if you vine 1gig to 10 people it is in effect a ratio of 10:1, isn't it? just a thought, maybe if it was added then we would all start vines and stop people critising in a general way that serves no purpose apart from dissing other members.

Aye thank you

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