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Old 2009-02-08, 06:10 PM
ice7sand ice7sand is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Audio - Audience Completed download onto utorrent, now what??

New to this site.

I get shows on For that site, I download a .rar file onto my computer. Next, I extract the files, and listen to the music on Realplayer, Limewire, or place on my Ipod. But I'm having trouble here on this site.

For this site, I saved the torrent onto my computer. I have utorrent on my computer, which I open and started downloading my file. This completed after 8 hours. Now what? How do I open the file to listen to the music.?

What the hell is a FLAC file? Realplayer does not understand this format?
I reopened the torrent (I guess) and press the green arrow, which started the seeding process (I have no idea what this means).

What am I missing? I don't understand the proceedure. It's very simple on other sites (, guitars101, other bootleg sites, etc).

Any help is appreciated.
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