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Old 2013-10-12, 05:55 PM
Eriksnow Eriksnow is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Norway
Re: What's with Hungercity again?

That quite a goodbye note, Ramses! That was quite a lot of torrents you pulled the plug on there.....2 entire pages of the "log" are all red

If anybody would like to join the new tracker of us ex HC staff, then please let me know. I won't post the link in public here in this thread, but if you'll get an invite.
It wasn't just arfarf (above) that could be a member (I had some questions about that, which is why I clarify)

Hope I'm allowed to say this on TTD forum.....that you don't have the DIME rules about mentioing other trackers! If so; sorry about that

By the way; we need a donation of £1750 to pay for the registration fee within the next week. After that, we only need a total of £385 each month.
This has to be sent to me, personally, in unmarked bills. ....oh, and.... : do not tell the other staff about this, just send me the god damn money.....!
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