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Old 2006-05-27, 09:51 PM
Re: Lineage and generation question

01 - AUD is the recording, then it goes to several unknown generations, than another LP generation, then to your copy (WAV > SHN > WAV, if that's really what happened, would not alter the files)

02 - CDRm (master), your copy is first gen.

03 - D8 is the master, CDR should be the 1st gen, your copy is second gen.

If you'd like to get original lossless (or as close as is available), let me know what bands you have and I'll see if I can help you out at all.

An additional note: If a DAT transfer (say from the D8 in the third example) is done properly to a PC, it'll be digitally identical, so it is also a master for all intents and purposes. If it is then properly encoded to FLAC (or SHN if it was recorded in 16 bit), all copies of those FLAC files will be bit-perfect against the original DAT, and could also be considered a master.
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