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Old 2008-09-30, 03:55 PM
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Re: Some uploading questions

Originally Posted by slipkid View Post
My first question is - is it OK/allowed for me to seed the stuff I already seeded on dime here? I don't know why not but I want to make sure I don't violate any rules, I only recently got into bittorrenting.
Sure it's OK. If you aren't the original seeder, you should usually let the torrent run it's course on the site you got it from (there are exceptions like when some mega popular torrent shows up - LZ last December comes to mind). If you are the original seeder, then it's really up to you to decide if you want to seed it on several sites at a time or space them out by a few days or whatever.

Originally Posted by slipkid View Post
Also if it is OK to do, I was wondering if it was even worthwhile or not, since I would guess that most people here also have Dime accounts and if they wanted any of those seeds they would have already got them via Dime, yes or no? If "yes" then it would be waste of time and probably make more sense for me to just pick new stuff to seed here instead.
Well, yes, a lot of users here also have accounts on Dime. But, a lot of users also don't. Dime has a cap on their registration and so sometimes it is hard for users to get an account there. Lots of show are seeded on several trackers simply because many users have a 'preferred' tracker that maybe they check everyday as compared to others that they maybe check every couple of days or once a week.

Originally Posted by slipkid View Post
And (hopefully) last Q for now - if I do seed the stuff from Dime here, am I correct in understanding that I should delete the original "unpersonalized" .torrent file I used to start them on dime and make a new one with a new "announce" URL for tradersden to use here - or is there a way to change that in the file somehow (I am using v1.8 of utorrent)?

Thanks for any answers.
Yes, you should make a new torrent to seed the show here with the ttd announce url. Don't try to change it in the .torrent file or you will most likely mess something up (you can't just change the url, there is more to it than that).
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