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Old 2005-03-18, 06:23 PM
wazoo2u wazoo2u is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Line at 15.5 on Spectral View - sourced from ?

Found this...

Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 14:03:00 EDT
From: John Rossi III <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: VCR/VHS for Mastering?

VHS HiFi, compares very favorably to 1/4" half-track 15ips analog tape with
dBx-I processing in all but one spec. Because of the modulation process
involved with getting the audio signal into the helical video signal, a low
level high frequency buzz is generated. It is down pretty low and is masked
by almost any audio signal, but it is there and it does rear its head when,
for example, dead space occurs. At any rate, the buzz floor is a lot lower
than any cassette noise floor, and as a recording medium VHS-HiFi is very
much suoerior to any analog cassette format.


The more I read, it appears that this is an ARTIFACT that shows up in VHS-HI-FI recordings.

If you look at the original CAP, you'll see that the frequency response extends well beyond FM, to at least 20kHz. I'm now interpreting that the recording was from a VHS-HIFI transfer, but not necessarily from "TV".

You'll probably see a lot of these because it's common for people to hook up their VHS-HIFI to a tuner and record a broadcast using the VCR timer.

I'm still trying to find out WHY this artifact shows up, and what causes it exactly.
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