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Old 2005-07-07, 08:39 AM
cbar1965 cbar1965 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Re: Policy For Live 8 Material on The Traders Den

It's probably best for people who have video torrents available to keep them on their hardrive (or barring a lack of space, some other media). I say this because one is not sure if the officially release DVD's will contain ALL of the material of a certain artist. In order to keep the set affordable, the DVD may be a compilation-type release. The Live Aid set left out a lot of stuff partly because it was unretrievable. However, I know that a lot of material that does still exist was left off. And then you have artists that flubbed (Led Zep, Duran Duran) who did not want their sets or specific songs released.

I can understand why the Trader's Den (or Dimeadozen) are reluctant to allow certain material. At the same time, the disputed material is becoming available on other BT sites. So everyone wins.

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