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Old 2008-06-08, 03:08 PM
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Re: Armchair engineers

Originally Posted by cloudyhours View Post
I have been trading audio (tapes) (now cds) since 1970, back in the good ole days, it was an unwritten code not to doctor the tapes with eq, dolby etc. Being an audio engineer now for 30 + years I find it disturbing to see alot of people, doing adjustments to the sources that they have no clue what they are doing, with the advent of new audio software that anyone can purchase, it has become alarming to hear and read what people are doing. Sure you might add some highs or lows to a program but in effect you are messing up the timbre of the audio regardless of how it was recorded. I have also seen shows that were recently recorded from the audience that sound horrible, you would think that the technology availabe today that some decent equipment would be used, ESPECIALLY the microphone . I have tapes that were done in the early 70's that blow many of the newer tapes out of the water, is it just me or is this something others have noticed as well.
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This is an ongoing problem, but it's better than it was 5 years ago... just have to keeop fighting the good fight.. educate whenever you see it happening.
"There are some of these recordings where it is just a whirring, and you cannot hear the music. " - Jimmy Page, 2007 / JUL / 26
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