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Old 2008-09-21, 05:55 PM
Re: Bad Trader: Funkyman

Ok, well I understand that people should not list DVD's on their websites that they do not have at all or yet. Since I am a friend of Funkyman, I have e-mailed him about this to see what was happening. In this case, it seems that Funkyman had the DVD that the trader wanted but the DVD apparently has a copyguard on it. Since Funkyman does not have the software to remove the copyguard from the DVD, he could not make a copy of it. From what Funkyman says, he sent the trader some extra DVD's to make up for it. I am sorry this guy feels ripped off. I can only speak for myself that Funkyman is a great trader I have been dealing with, with no problems since April or May of last year, and it seems the majority of people on this thread feel the same way.
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