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Old 2007-05-06, 07:09 PM
mbself mbself is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Re: Are mp3 master recordings allowed @TTD???

Originally Posted by LeifH12345
Saying an MP3 source transferred directly to the computer, saved as wav and converted to flac is lossy is like saying a cassette recording handled the same way is lossy. There is no quality lost, and the torrent was pulled. Its not like it was saved as an MP3, then convert to wav> flac. It was saved as wav, then converted to flac.
The answer is no. Not even if it is the only source of a show.

I too have struggled with these questions as I learned about this whole music trading community. I think the problem with allowing mp3 sourced materials (even if it is from the only known source of a show) is that there is no way to at least verify that a recording has never been compressed multiple times which will in very short order create a very poor recording.

If a recording begins life as an mp3 then it will never spectragraph out as full range (for the sake of most of the files here full range is considered about 20hz to about 20khz). mp3 files drop off at about 15khz to 16khz. if it is converted to wav then recompressed to mp3 it will suffer frequency loss again. not having a baseline full range frequency graph makes it impossible to monitor the purity of the trading pool.

With the growing number of tiny devices capable of recording mp3 would be nice if there were some way to allow them if they are confirmed to be the ONLY KNOWN SOURCE.

However, I understand the policy whole heartedly. I have even returned a device I had purchased whith the intent of recording shows to post here because it only recorded mp3 files. I am now awaiting the delivery of the Zoom h2 when it becomes available.
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