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Old 2009-07-04, 10:33 PM
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Silver Stallion DVDs Silver Stallion DVDs is offline
Sleeping Colorless Green Ideas
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Re: Stretching video for multi-cam track in Vegas

Even modern day video cams do not operate at exactly the same speed...just the nature of the beast.

But this is a very simple problem to fix.

For starters - you don't stretch (or crunch) video. Just doesn't work. Audio is a different story - but that's another thread for another day.

You're usually only showing one angle at a time, i.e., you are alternating between videos. During a stretch when you're showing the 'longer' of the two angles, split the 'shorter' angle and bump the portion to the right of the split to the right one frame. If you're off by five frames, you'll need to that four times. Space out the splits evenly across the length of the video.

If the problem resulted from dropped frames (which doesn't appear to be the case), then you'd handle it differently. But if it's just a matter of the two videos drifting out of synch - do what I said above and you'll be all set.

To check the synch in Vegas, just pull down the opacity line on the video in the top line of the time line to about 50%. You'll then be able to watch both videos at the same time. Watch the drum sticks or the singer raising an arm or whatever. Just make sure they are in perfect synch and you'll be where you want to be.
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