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Old 2009-05-22, 11:35 AM
Cornelious Jerome Garcia Oppenheimer Cornelious Jerome Garcia Oppenheimer is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Re: Should we ban thoughtless leechers?

Originally Posted by freezer View Post
Correct, opinions are like assholes....everybody's got one.

However when you share your opinion on "hoarding" and then just as quickly admit that you refuse to even try to make any recordings, then in my opinion, your credibility got flushed down the crapper, in reference to this hobby.

People who mouth off about "Hoarding" and and also refuse to ever contribute to the trade pool should have no right to mouth off.
I will continue to mouth off about all mundane topics, as will you.

You wanna talk the talk, but you refuse to walk the walk?

Are you really serious?

What makes you think you deserve to partake of The Little Red Hen's wheat, when you refuse to help harvest, threshing, milling, or baking the bread?
I guess i feel "entitled' to everything.

Seriously though, I have contributed to the community for some time. Maybe not taping, but I have given none-the-less. I know you know that, but apparently if you do not tape, it is not contributing in your opinion.

Lame, that's a really lame reply. Sounds like you're already defeated.

Maybe you should learn to take what's offered without demanding anything... instead of rationalizing a truckload of manure there, Major Pain.
I merely stated how I felt about the hoarding and waving it front of people, I have tried to say that a number of times. I make no demands, and have not made them in the past for people to share anything they have. But when the topic comes up as it always has, I will continue to ask What is the motivation for talking about the hours of great recordings one may possess, quickly followed with but I will never trade/share them

If you want to make any noise about "hoarding", then maybe first you need to consider learning to try to give something back.
again...I have contributed to the community for some time. Maybe not taping, but I have given none-the-less. I know you know that, but apparently if you do not tape, it is not contributing in your opinion.

Stop dancing for ONE show and get proactive toward "YOUR" community. I prefer to be proactive in other ways. Like trying to pry hoarded shows from tapers hands.
Or like many tapers already have just might consider paying it forward....sound like a plan?
I feel as if I have payed it forward, from way back to the AOL rose garden days and offering up many freebies & B-P's to actively vining and branching for trees before bit torrent to giving life to the vine section at STG and spending copius time on that site to spending considerable amounts of time raising this site from the ashes of STG. I will continue to do so, in my non taping fashion.

Oh, and I do understand "sharing", but I also see you sharing your hypocracy here.

Or, hey, consider refraining from ever making remarks about "hoarding" when you absolutely refuse to do anything but take.
again....I will continue to mouth off about all mundane topics, as will you

And Bill, I like you, really.....people talk bad about you, but I like you.

Right back at you.
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