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Old 2008-05-15, 07:30 PM
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dazzz dazzz is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007

Keith don't tell lies its not really fair.
I don't know how you dare say i demanded replacements and used abusive language, this is not the case and i certainly wouldn't get worked up enough to be like that towards anyone for 2 dvds. A good trader would immediately offer replacements anyway.

I actually find your constant need to write in capital letters quite rude actually.

You're the one being offensive with referring to me as 'THIS HUMAN' instead of using my name.

Also you state 'IF I WAS A BAD TRADER DO YOU THINK THE OTHER DVDS WOULD HAVE BEEN ALL RIGHT' . This statement shows you have no idea what you're talking about, just because 3 of the dvds were ok it is no guarantee that all of them are. You used Memorex for the 3 good ones and Tesco brand for the faulty ones.

Listen to what other traders are saying !!
You sent me 2 faulty discs that any decent trader would replace without quibble. How can you say i'm a 'Bad Trader' ? You've had your discs from me and you're happy with them so how am i a bad trader.......learn the basic simple rules of trading.

Look at my list compared to yours, who has the most experience at trading ??
I'm not going to comment any further on this because its not worth the bother over 2 dvds.
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