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Old 2005-01-15, 09:22 AM
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wharfrat73 wharfrat73 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Maryland
Re: Audiophilia - The shntool frontend, v0.0.1 released, alpha testers needed

If you're not using XP there's Command Prompt Here that will automatically navigate to the folder that you right click on so that you can run shntool commands on that folder.

Once you have shtool in your path perhaps the best thing to do is create batch files that allow you to drag and drop a folder and run a command. That way you don't have to type the commands every time. RainDawg has info on how to do that here .

So what you want to do is set up a batch file like this:
@echo off
%~d1 & cd %*
for %%T in (shn flac wav ape) do if exist *.%%T shntool len -u mb *.%%T

You can change the bold part to do different things, for example, insert the command shntool md5 in place of shntool len. For commands that you'd want to output to a text file like shntool len or shntool md5 the batch file should look like this:

@echo off
%~d1 & cd %*
for %%T in (shn flac wav ape) do if exist *.%%T shntool md5 *.%%T>>shntool.len.txt

This time you would change the bold text to whatever you would want to call the output file.
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