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Old 2008-04-06, 09:50 AM
bbarbh bbarbh is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Re: Seeding / Ratios / Utorrent

thanks again very much for your reply
i'm slowly catching on ... but NOT!
1. i guess i have to STOP those in the 10 that no leechers using Utorrent?
when i do that...and refresh the list via the profile, others take their place, but those could have 0 leechers too.
2. when i STOP the seeds via Utorrent, how do i then find out if those that are stopped then have Leechers, so i could Start them again?
3. Once i STOP a seed is it basically out of touch with TTD?
Utorrent doesn't have a "leechers" column to see who is leeching.
Utorrent has a Seeds and Peers column and each has a #(#) value .. tho not sure what this means.
4. So i've many potential seeds on my hard drive, most of them are now STOPPED via Utorrent ... how do i see which need to be Started again because there are leechers seeking to access them?
5. how can i access my profile easily so i can see my active list?
6. is there a way to amend my active list to only include those that have leechers at any time?

Last edited by bbarbh; 2008-04-06 at 09:56 AM.
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