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Old 2008-03-07, 07:53 AM
stercesderised stercesderised is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Question Question regarding file naming conventions..

Just curious if this site has thought of formallizing the naming conventions for these uploads. While I do not have a huge collection, I'm starting to find that it's a pita to manage my flac files because everyone names them differently. The real trouble begins when the band name is either abbrieviated or worse, the band name isn't even in the flac folder name.

I went through the FLAC files I downloaded last night to try an organize them by renaming the folders, but then everything got screwed up. I couldn't import into Winamp anymore (and it kept regestering over 80 files moved over), and I screwed up other people's ability to upload off of my PC as well. I do admit I'm new to the whole FLAC file, so I'm open to ideas on how to rename this myself so that these two problems don't occur.

Anyway, I think it would make everyone lives easier and help organize the community (and the files being traded) if there was a formalized way of naming these folders.

My suggestion would be: BandName_MMDDYY_city

***MMDDYY = date of show (in case it wasn't already obvious...)

Has this already been attempted? I really think this simple step will make everyone's lives easier and prolong the longevitiy of making this music available.
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