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Old 2009-10-26, 12:53 AM
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stephsbear stephsbear is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
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Re: how to prevent idiots from remastering already mastered shows ?

It takes an incredibly light touch to do remastering without doing some harm of some sort - perhaps impossible without losing some aspect of the audio. But I agree with the Fairport comment above - I don't care if people remaster something, I'd rather listen to something approaching decent than something unlistenable.

However, obviously the problem is if that word "remaster" disappears somewhere along the line... which ultimately seems inevitable. I much appreciate this site in particular in that there are hard and fast rules regarding providing lineage, but in some cases, how in the world can anyone know that it's accurate? I know there's some shady uploaders in the world, but even the honest ones only know for sure that they're holding some files. I really like the plugin idea - but then again, all you know is that you can separate what the last remasterer did from what they started with.

It is a big problem if you're collecting, archiving. Drives me crazy sometimes.

And don't even get me started about people calling FM Broadcasts taped off the radio "Soundboards". :-)
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