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Old 2015-06-03, 11:49 AM
OtherWeis OtherWeis is online now
Join Date: Feb 2007
Possible MP3 in lineage?

I was about to seed a show that I received in a trade many years ago and have not seen on any trackers. I was running the usual Spectrograms and Frequency Analyses when I saw something I had never seen before (to be fair, I am not the most experienced when it comes to seeding). In the Frequency Analysis, it tapers off at around 15,000Hz (not a sharp drop), then seems to come back up at low level at the higher end. Here are couple of screen shots:

As far as I know, this was from a European Radio Broadcast. I am not sure how to interpret it. My (relatively uninformed) impression is that there was MP3 in the lineage, but somehow ended up being transferred to analog somewhere after (I received this in a trade almost 15 years ago, so this is not a completely ridiculous scenario). Can anyone else interpret these data for me?
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