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Old 2014-02-22, 11:52 AM
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jpeace jpeace is offline
}{eywood, copyright fighter
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: too close to Niagara Falls to see what the big deal is
Re: It might be time to revisit Hot Tuna NAB status

I know. I've seen that. I'm just saying that that website contradicts what the man himself says. Jorma does not agree with those statements. He is very pro-taper and -trader.
To enforce copyright laws is to prevent people from making peaceful use of the information they possess. If one has acquired the information legitimately it is a violation of freedom of speech to prevent one from using it, reproducing it, trading it. Information is a universal, existing in other people's minds and other people's property, and over these the originator has no legitimate sovereignty. Copyright laws extort from the public a reward enormously in excess of the labor measure of an entertainers' services, making them, in essence, discriminatory against anyone paid a single time for a job. The only way there will ever be balance is when we are either all paid ad infinitum for work we did years ago, or when they are not. Until then I will fight for the freedom of information by challenging copyright law every chance I get. Join the Pirate Party and help make a difference.
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