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Old 2008-02-11, 09:03 PM
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Re: Share Ratio Display

Originally Posted by DATman714 View Post
Originally Posted by U2Lynne View Post
Do you think you could send me the torrent file you are using - [email protected]? And you said you are using BitTorrent 6.0, right? Have you made sure to turn DHT off in your client?

Thanx again for the prompt follow up!

Please forgive my ignorance - when you ask for me to send the torrent file to you, do you mean the URL for the above mentioned Jack Johnson show (&/or the other 2...)? Or is it perhaps something more technical that I'm not quite grasping??

As for DHT - whatever that is, lol - it WAS enabled in my client. I have accordingly disabled as per your suggestion. Will this not take effect until I restart my client do you happen to know?

Sorry for the newbishness, as quite apparently I'm still finding my way technologically speaking in the wonderful world of bit torrents. Your continued assistance & patience is MOST valued & appreciated by me!! THANKS!!!

Worshipping From Afar,
When you start a torrent, you do so by first downloading the torrent/attachment from this site and then you start it in your bittorrent client. So, I was wanting to see if I can get the torrent file to work myself - or just take a look at it and make sure it is fine.

DHT is a way to tell your bittorrent client to bypass the tracker. It's great if the tracker goes down, however, since you are bypassing the tracker, that means that you never update the tracker with any data like how much you have uploaded or downloaded. I don't know if you have to restart BitTorrent since I don't use it and I'm not familiar with it (and I'm guessing you are on a PC, and I'm on a Mac, so the client is probably different for me anyway).
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On a Mac? Get XLD to rip your CDs. Please see this guide - X Lossless Decoder (XLD): How to create flawless CD rips on Mac OS X

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