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Old 2005-09-18, 01:06 PM
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texizjtexiz texizjtexiz is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Re: Yikes! (shntool help request) -b- -e -a-t-

Originally Posted by range_hood
Maybe mkwACT just canīt convert these files properly. Seems it caused the truncated files. Have you tried this with shntool or Traders Little Helper on the original shns?
Hi there, and thanks range_hood! Yes I had a similar thought. Trader's Little Helper had caused the same errors. I did not try to decode with shntool, but the problem is now 'fixed.' (After a fashion).

A shntool -join on the decoded WAVs resulted in the same "may be truncated error;" the job could not be performed.

A shntool -join on the original SHNs seemed to work at first, but in the resulting joined WAV file, every other 'track' of the original tracks was loud constant static. Then the following 'track' sounded fine, and the next was static again.

What seemed to work around this was importing each of the WAVs decoded from the original SHNs into Audacity & basically copy/pasting them into one big file. Zooming in on & listening to the former track splits did not reveal any obvious nonconformities (though I am not an expert at such things).

This WAV file was then split with CD Wave Editor & run through shntool -len again (last track was then post padded). Now happy tagged FLACs

Another odd thing I noticed, Five, was that the original lineage from the seeder stated the files were FLAC, yet they are obviously SHN. Perhaps there was some poor conversion from one format to the other, a CDR gen in there too? <shrug>

Thanks all for your help!

I am documenting all the errors and fixes in a text file & am keeping the original files in case it ever gets traded - perhaps a reseed is in order soon.

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