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Old 2005-05-13, 06:04 PM
Another Newbie (burning dvd's) ???


I finally figured out the bit turrent audio side of things and am thoroughly having a blast with sharing music of some of my favorites (ie" Crowes, Truckers, and Panic). I just recently found this site with the option of videos and I'm trying to figure out how to start the fun in that arena.

I've been lurking/studying trying to gain the knowledge to burn dvd files and have come to a point of "stuck" . I am a newbie to the dvd stuff and have what I think are all the required programs to get the job done. (ie: Nero, DVD decrypter, etc.) I just can't get my test subject to happen.

I've downloaded a Trucker's file and have the VIDEO_TS file. My question is what do I need to do to get this onto a dvd? I've read about and seen mention of ISO files within NERO, but I cannot find any such file within the download. What step am I missing to get this done. Please keep in mind that I'm new to all the techno-speak, so any "layman's terms" would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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