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Old 2016-10-27, 07:05 PM
David Livingstone David Livingstone is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
FIREWALLED Using VPN Service ?

I've read all info pertaining to being firewalled and have always been technically proficient enough to do these things with no problem. How that times have changed and many of us have to use a VPN service in order to download anything without fear of criminal prosecution. In my country of origin it is illegal to download this material period. So I have no choice but to use a VPN service.
The problem with a VPN is it KILLS upload speeds. Drastically cutting them back. I may get about 25% of what i used to get. If I'm lucky. So in time my ratio is going to die a slow death. It not because I don't seed back. Most of the time I'm FIREWALLED on this site and it is getting more and more difficult to correct this. It maybe impossible in the near future. I now spend more time on my computer trying to sort these problems out. Spent all day today trying to work out my current connection problems. Port forward is dead at the moment. The VPN may work fine for a short period of time. But external influences on these services may cause you to constantly make adjustments to them. Changing IP addresses and redoing the port forward through a VPN can be a nightmare. Constant trial and error but mostly error. I don't know why this issue has not been brought up before but in the future it will have to be addressed. Because it is becoming increasingly more difficult to keep up without falling behind. Does anyone out there use a VPN without problems on the site?
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