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Old 2005-08-16, 01:05 PM
Neckbrain Inc.
Re: MD Audio Transfer.... I'm a Newbie to this..

Originally Posted by Five
the trouble with this deck is that it doesn't have proper outputs. the digital is in-only (like my MD ) and the only output you have is the headphone jack. ideally (aside from a straight digital dump) a lineout jack should be used, since the voltage coming from a headphone jack is intended for small speakers, not to be jacked directly into a soundcard. You can probably get away with it, but be aware that it is possible to damage your soundcard this way and also that the sound will be slightly degraded, not only because you're not doing a digital transfer but also because you're using a headphone out. I heard that most of the MD players with digital outs are big standalone units, so you often need one deck to record, one to transfer. If there's many others interested in the bands you taped, sometimes a person with a standalone with do a perfect transfer for you. There was a guy who posted somewhere here or the tapers' forum saying he was willing to make bit-accurate transfers of MDs for ppl who didn't have that capability.
Thanks guys for all this info you're giving me.... The Soundblaster Card didn't give me the perfection I wanted, it just did the job... The reason why I recorded on a MD is cause it was my last option. I'm thinking of upgrading to a JB3 So i won't have to deal with this anymore.

Neckbrain Inc.
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