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Old 2008-07-29, 01:42 AM
Re: people who sell shows....

The messages on the menus don't bother me one bit, as they don't affect the show at all. Screener vids are done that way (and on the movie itself I believe) because the show will be officially released in a few months, so I understand that. The official releases are then perfectly legal to resell.

A few DVDs have been seeded with scrolling text on the show footage, though. In my opinion (and it's just too bad that some people have to hear about an opinion from someone they consider a peon or serf) the shows should be released free from this type of thing, or if someone is so dismayed that the show might be sold, not released at all. It's partially destroying a piece of art (oh shit just like mp3) for the sake of theoretically preventing a negative aspect that sometimes goes along with the hobby. Now it's been shown that they don't work all the time even when used on an easily removed menu. btw, it was incorrect to say that the only thing I can do is author a DVD without a scrolling message on a show. I can also voice my opinion as a music fan and as a citizen with first amendment rights, motherfucker.

Last edited by roomful; 2008-07-29 at 01:48 AM.