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Old 2008-02-19, 08:51 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Green Lights at other sites?

You can always try turning off your torrent at this site, then turning it back on. Sometimes, if you really aren't firewalled, then it will fix the 'firewalled' tag near your name. You may want to check the Peers List and make sure you are using the port number you forwarded (the same one you enter into canyouseeme).

Also, the site does that quick firewall check when you start your torrent. It is a SITE check for the benefit of those users who are clueless about whether they are firewalled or not. Once you are connected to other users, your bittorrent client will do all the firewall checking - it could care less what TTD things about whether you are firewalled and in fact has no clue what we think, it makes it's own determination.

And, sometimes I get a yellow light in my client, but that simply means you have no remote connections and that MAY mean you are firewalled.
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