Thread: Legal question
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Old 2005-04-13, 02:52 PM
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Evenreven Evenreven is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Legal question

Not only sense, but perfect sense, Lynne!

I was guessing that something similar to your solution was the way to go.

Pretty sure that those are the ALMOST exact same as in the official release. These four are master tapes or mix-downs that didn't end up on any album, before the bootleg and the Beach Boys box set. If there are differences at all, it's just from the different A/D converters used by the bootleggers and the Capitol engineer, because the master is identical.

However, a lot of the other songs have been released as well, but in other versions. But those four mentioned songs are the same on both official and boot releases.

Oh, well. I will remove the four songs and seed with instructions on where they are to be found. In a few days, it'll be up and running!

Thanks again for the help
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