Thread: TLH Error?
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Old 2010-10-01, 08:23 AM
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Re: TLH Error?

Originally Posted by Quackers View Post
Originally Posted by roann View Post
Sorry, but this is sheer nonsense.
2nd screen is what happens after the error. Then TLH needs to be killed thru the task manager

3rd screen is about the nonsense I tried to explain in my previous post
Thank you very much for the screenshots! Usually screens help me the most to understand where to look for the cause of an error reported. This list index out of bounds error (that causes TLH to hang in the end) most likely is caused by some erroneous coding on my side. I'll try to fix it with the next release.

Sorry for my nasty "sheer nonsense" comment. I (mis)understood your "commands used by TLH interpret them as command line options/switches" in such a way that TLH works with erroneous or bad coded shntool commands (what it does not).

Judging from a first quick test I'd say the hyphen problem is caused by shntool that apparently isn't able to properly pass the file name to flac.exe (but I may be wrong with this). Here's the shntool output processing a wav file:

shntool len -- -Track01.wav
length expanded size cdr WAVE problems fmt ratio filename
0:20.59 3666812 B --- -- ----- wav 1.0000 -Track01.wav
0:20.59 3666812 B 1.0000 (1 file)

And here's the output processing the same file in flac format:

shntool len -- -Track01.flac
length expanded size cdr WAVE problems fmt ratio filename
shntool [len]: warning: error while launching helper program: [flac]
shntool [len]: warning: could not open file for streaming input: [-Track01.flac]

0:00.00 0 B 0.0000 (0 files)

If someone knows how to tell shntool to properly process flac files that have a hyphen at the beginning of their name please let me know. Help is always appreciated.
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