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Old 2011-01-25, 09:56 AM
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

Originally Posted by boyerlaurier View Post
OK, I need help. I'm not technically inclined, so please don't hammer me with techno babble.

I uploaded this torrent a few hours ago, but it's locked at 99.9% I have no clue how to solve it efficiently, and yes, I read the FAQ.

I used trader's little helper to create checksum, and I use UTorrent 2.2

You have a couple files that no longer match the .torrent file you uploaded.

Based on your situation, my guess is that your text file was changed after you made the .torrent file. The Track 18 problem is likely happening because part of that data piece included the txt file, so it cannot complete, either.

The only way to fix something like this is to re-make your .torrent, then upload without changing anything else.

The current .torrent post cannot be fixed, so I have pulled it so you can re-upload when you are able.
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