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Old 2005-11-15, 11:28 AM
Unhappy what do I do if I was skipped on a vine?

I was doing the GD 7/9/95 vine and I was out of town last week. This was my first vine and when I originally signed up fot it I noticed that they seemed to move very slowly. Anyways after 3 days of not getting a response from me I was skipped. Is there anything that I can do do rejoin the vine. I don't want to get banned from the site for not responding. When I signed up for the vine if was moving so slowly I didn't think I would be contacted for months. I mean it is my first vine and you can't really estimate when it will be your turn so what was I supposed to do not go out of town last week. Can someone please explain to me what to do in this situation please or let me know how to better estimate my turn? Thank you very much.
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