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Old 2005-07-14, 08:32 AM
Re: Tape Tracker Uninstall Help Needed

I might be able to shed some light here, having used TapeTracker for a while. AFAIK, it's a very old program, dating back almost to the prehistory of computers (1996 ), some time around the transition from Win3.11 to Win95 if I'm not mistaken. WinXP Corp was a mere thought in a few visionary minds then, and I think that's where the problem lies. However (un)intelligent you think the programmer was, he couldn't foresee you'd be running his program 10 years later on such an advanced OS (compared to Win311).
Anyway, on to the solution (I think). Even though you don't want to, you'll have to manually delete:
- 1 folder, which should be C:\TAPETRAK if you installed it with the default options
- and 1 file, which should be either C:\WINNT\TAPETRAK.INI or C:\WINDOWS\TAPETRAK.INI
I don't know of spyware coming bundled with the program, on my comp at least (running Win2K pro with pretty tight security, spyware-wise). But several spyware infections of legitimate programs have been reported recently, TapeTracker may have been one of them. Once again, the programmer is not at fault, so hold the woodchipper until you get the one who defaced the program

Btw I ended up making a quick & dirty Excel spreadsheet to keep track of my shows, just like most everyone else
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