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Old 2005-04-16, 12:42 PM
tgc225 tgc225 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
More about offsets?

From what I understand, the absolute most accurate way to rip a CD is with sample offset correction, because if offsets are used, two people can rip the same CD on different drives and get exactly matching file.

Anyway, so how about requiring people to write whether they used offset correct or not when ripping the disc? This should be simple, because all people have to do is write "no offsets corrected" or "offsets corrected" and that will be it. Lots of people just write "EAC (Secure)", but this terminology is unlcear when it comes to whether offsets were used or not.

Also, maybe there could be a little guide on this website (or some links pointing to other guides) that explain and encourage the use of offsets when ripping? This website, for example, has a database for offsets for many drives, so that will eliminate the need to burn sample discs to figure out what your drive offset is:
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