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Old 2006-01-28, 11:10 PM
PintOfGuinness2 PintOfGuinness2 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Re: Cutting frames from .mpg

Jesus it's a wonder any dvd I've made even work... My copy of Vegas didn't come with an instruction manual... ahem :-) . I started with .avi's that where generated when I captured from my camera using winDV. I used Vegas to synch with my wav of the show rather then using loop regions (which I now realize would be much easier) I just match up the audio and video then clip together at the very begining. Then I render the video only into a mpeg stream (takes a long time). I leave the CLIPPED wav untouched. after the rendering is done I open up arch and drop my new mpeg and my CLIPPED wav in. Since they were blipped at the beggining as long as my synching was correct in Vegas they are all synched up ready to go. Creat my menus etc and then click prepare DVD. At this point I let DVD Arch reencode my audio, while video is allready set. Anyway I'm learning slowly but surely each vd I make I learn a shortcut or a quicker way to do something. I use Audacity to join my source audio wav's into 1 big wav. I can do that in Vegas???
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