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Old 2006-02-13, 11:08 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: upload rate 0 kb/s, download at 2 kb/s??

There are so many factors that go into your speed on a torrent. It sounds to me like the biggest factor for you is that you are on dialup. That is only 56 kb/s (this is in bits, not Bytes) which would mean a 950 MB torrent would take 950000 KB * 8 (to convert to bits) * 1/56 (to figure out how many seconds) * 1/3600 (to get it into hours) = 38 hours approximately. And, that is if you aren't using your bandwidth for anything but downloading that torrent (meaning, not upload at all). If you are uploading at all, then that time will increase.

As for why no one is uploading from you, perhaps either you are using all your bandwidth for downloading and you aren't leaving anything left for uploading or your are uploading at such a small rate that no one is bothering to get the pieces from you.
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