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Old 2010-01-21, 10:01 PM
David Lobato David Lobato is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Yonkers, NY
MAJOR QUESTION! HELP! Wrong Video Playing

I am new at this and no expert. But it would seem that if I have two external hard drives and one C drive, if the C drive has no home movies on it, why do I get jumping back and forth between my Beatle Cartoons 4&5, and my home movies?

I unplugged the externals thinking it was reading from them. Now, tonight I played Climax Blues from Don Ks Rock Concert, and it was reading cartoons and Shea Stadium. My C drive is clean, and again, the externals are unplugged.

Even though I am no expert it seems that the only place it could read is from a drive; not from temp files on the C drive, which I have none.

Thank you one and all.

PS-How do I play these SHN files of the Airplance Bathing At Baxters rehearsals? What program?
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