Thread: Hard Drives
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Old 2008-09-06, 06:47 PM
dude87 dude87 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Re: Hard Drives

Originally Posted by direwolf-pgh View Post
that would be nice for store bought CD's
which brings up another major issue when going away from CD's
for live recordings it would require endless tagging of TB of data (read: never going to happen)
non tagged files from live shows are a HUGE issue. there is no data to identify what the hell the tracks are.
that display with 90% of shows collected from these type of sites would read: band name/track01 (at best)
OrangeCD does a really nice job with live shows from the online database to auto-tag live shows.
Tagging is a major pain - I've been using the live show tagger for Foobar 2000, it works relatively well with minimal need to alter a .txt file to get the song titles to be properly assigned. But it's still a slow process, I tend to do it in batches and I've got a ton of shows sitting on various hard drives waiting to be moved to my media PC.

Tagging and a good playback program (I use Jriver Media Center) also allows you to search your collection in an easier fashion - find all versions of a certain song, say, or at least scan a setlist before playing the show. If you get really into it you can (depending on program) even rate different versions of different songs although I don't have the patience for that sort of stuff.
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