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Old 2008-01-03, 02:37 AM
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Kstyle Kstyle is offline
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Re: Got the call from Comcast !

Well, I got a call from head office saying, "we think it's a line problem". He then said "we're sorry you're getting less than the advertised uploading speed, but in any case you should know that half of the 'peak' promised delivery is a good number."
Really? Then why not advertise that? In any case, another tech guy's gonna come over and test the outside lines. Ha! Bet he tells me they can't figure it out and maybe I should get another provider. Apparently it's a case of "packet loss", their catch-all term for "we're capping the shit out of your line". I get the feeling I'm one of the very few who does a speed test on his line. They assume that 99% of their customers will be happy with very little pipe, and they're right. God forbid someone should ask for what they pay for.
They did give me two free months so far, though, so that's at least some admission of guilt. We'll see how it all plays out.
have a good time, all the time
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