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Old 2006-08-12, 02:40 AM
Explosivo Explosivo is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: California
Re: 3rd Trade/ Did I prepare, Is other trader messy?

Most of that looks good to me. Lots of people reuse bubble mailers & sleeves. As long as the bubbles were good and it wasnt falling apart it still protects the discs all the same, ditto for the sleeves imo. The only issue I could see is the ripped paper, if put in the sleeves then fibers could get on the disc, those should probably be cut (altho I havent had that problem to date.) And imo he doesnt need to replace the bonus disc because it wasnt part of the trade, it was extra. Ive included bonus discs before when I burned an extra copy or accidently asked for something in a trade that I already had. Sending tracklists along doesnt seem to be a standard, Ive only received a few trades like that, most people who make them available do so electronically.

And judging by how you prepared, Id say you'd be an excellent trader to deal with.
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