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Old 2006-07-14, 11:05 PM
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Silver Stallion DVDs Silver Stallion DVDs is offline
Sleeping Colorless Green Ideas
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Re: Does poor ratio equate bad trader?

Originally Posted by puunjab
I've got a Buckethead DVD and then a major Tea Leaf Green project coming. I firmly intend to put a dislaimer in the torrents that anyone who has ever bitched about ratios shouldn't download either one. If you do then your disregarding my wishes and stealing from me. Take it somewhere where ratios are enforced or shut the fuck up.

If you're really concerned about thieves, you could do a search for "share ratio" and find the majority of people who bitch about this subject - and then when those IDs pop up in the peer list, you could set your bittorrent client so that they are denied from being able to download from you. Not all clients allow you to do this, but many do. Just do some experimenting with your bittorrent client to find out how to do it (assuming it's possible with the client that you use).

This will shut 'em the fuck up!

BTW - is the Buckethead from the current tour? I'm trying to find video of a show he did in Michigan. I know it's out there because my little bro saw a couple of video cameras in the audience.

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