Thread: Limiters?
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Old 2010-11-10, 10:01 PM
AudFellow AudFellow is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007

I recently recorder something a bit hot, and it was the first time I've seen the limiter on my microtrack II kick in. The limiter on the microtrack appears to be active pretty close to 0 dB. I've done a litel work on recordings from other people where the limiter on their system appeared to hit around -6 dB (one didn't think he had his limiter on, but it sure looked like it). Having the lmiter running at -6dB may fool the taper, I'm not sure. It seems an odd level to have the limiter running. Fisrt, am I correct in this analysis, and second, any insight into why some recorders do that? Do they meter red at -6 dB so you know the limiter is active?

Just curious
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