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Old 2007-05-10, 04:16 PM
Phishblowz Phishblowz is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

it's a little more complicated than that, but for a simple look at it, people pick on people with low ratios asking for reseeds and artwork and shit, because it's felt that if they aren't giving the community shit, what right do they have to ask for more...they should be happy enough with what they get...and my opinion is that it's right to verbally abuse someone who deserves it, but if we are only looking at the ratio to determine the "value" on the site (which I too commonly do, and am trying to curb that behavior) then we should have the ratios reflect all their involvement on the site (vines bnp and other offerings...not just upload numbers) but again, that's a very short-sighted overview of the whole thing (the way I see it, at least)

but to your point, all of this can be discussed rationally (to some degree) and the idea of wanting to resort to violence to make your point is excessive, which I said in regards to your original comment (agreeing that this is getting out of hand)
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