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Old 2022-03-20, 07:11 PM
bluorangefyre bluorangefyre is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: A SERIES OF TUBES!!!
Just switched to a Mac

SSIA, but I have a couple of questions:

1) The big one, honestly, is that it says I'm either firewalled, or since I'm using Vuze, it seems to stop seeding after downloading. I don't have the firewall enabled on the Mac, and I set the listening port on Vuze to the same one I'd cleared on my router for uTorrent. I honestly don't understand why Vuze stops after uploading only a few megabytes.

2) Not as severe yet, but I have macOS Catalina installed on this Late 2015 iMac. It says it could upgrade to Monterey, but it's not letting me. I've tried through the App Store, I've tried a Terminal command, and I've tried Online Recovery. What am I doing wrong? Or, is it broken and need fixed?
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