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Old 2006-07-30, 08:33 PM
Share Ratio Grace Period?

Hi! I'm a new user here and I came for the GD videos. My upload is capped by Comcast at about 40kB/sec. Even so, I have been able to maintain an excellent share ratio at Jerome's and Lossless Legs by diligent long-term seeding.

The problem is that these video torrents are humongous in size, so it is going to take a long time to achieve a decent ratio after I download even a few of them. The FAQs say that we are supposed to maintain a share ratio of at least .5, and I hope to do better than that eventually. But even getting there could be difficult until after I catch up on the videos here I am lusting after.

So is there a grace period after my initial flurry of downloading during which I can seed my way out of the hole I want to dig for myself?
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