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Old 2008-10-16, 01:11 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Saying Thanks to the Seeder...

Is it just my perception being off, or does it seem that less and less people are saying Thanks to the seeders?

I know I have always tried to say Thanks when I grab a torrent, and then if I especially like the show, or have other comments about it, I go back and post again in the thread. But, sometimes I will find there are already 30 leechers on a show and there isn't even one Thanks in the thread! What is with that? Do some users just feel that they don't need to say Thanks or don't realize that it's polite to say Thanks? Are they so used to a Thanks button (like on other sites) that they don't know how to post a simple comment of Thanks?

Why are users not saying Thanks?
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